FastClose Implementation Project

A one to six month project where I design and build systems to get your books closed in days instead of weeks.


Does it take you three weeks every month to close your books?

Does this sound like you?

  • You are barely keeping your head above water with closing your books

  • Your company is growing too fast for you to fix systemic design problems

  • You’re drowning in supplier statements that are seem impossible to reconcile

  • You’re buried in email communications with customers about accounts payable


Imagine having systems in place that allowed you to close your books in three days

What if...

  • You had everything closed in the first three days of the month

  • You had a system in place that would easily scale to meet your CEO’s growth targets

  • Your supplier statements reconciled themselves automatically

  • Your customer payments were automatically applied to (and close) the correct invoices


My Fast Close Implementation Project could be the answer

The Fast Close Implementation Project is a 1 – 6 month engagement where I take a deep-dive into each financial aspect of your marketplace’s operational processes to uncover and address the issues that are preventing you from closing your books quickly.

How it works

  1. First, we’ll have a kickoff meeting with you and any relevant stakeholders to define specific objectives. 

  2. Then, I’ll develop a project roadmap tailor made to your specific constraints. 

  3. Finally, I'll personally execute every step of the roadmap until the issues are resolved – up to and including automating up to 90% of your organization's accounting processes. 

Project pricing starts at $25,000, which easily pays for itself by fixing your biggest online marketplace headache. And because I handle the development for you, you get it all without having to divert precious internal engineering resources toward the solution.


Still Have Questions?

Q: What happens after I pay?

A: After you pay, you’ll receive a confirmation email from my scheduling software (i.e., Calendly) that will allow you to add the event to your calendar. You’ll also receive a receipt from my payment processor (i.e., Stripe) that you can use for tax purposes.

Q: What if I need to reschedule?

A: If you need to reschedule our call, just click the RESCHEDULE link in the appointment in your calendar.

Q: How do I know if this is right for me?

A: If you suspect something in your accounting process needs to change, but you’re not sure what (or you don’t have the time to figure it out) this call’s for you.

Q: How is this different from the other services you offer?

A: The fast close expressway call is a lightweight, easy thing for you to do to help get you pointed in the right direction. If you’re swimming in deadlines and due dates, this call can help you refocus your attention on the issue that’s causing your financial close to lag to make it a thing of the past.

Q: Can other people from my end attend the call?

A: Yes! Feel free to include the CEO, COO, CIO, head of finance, members of the accounting team, etc. Anyone who you feel is a relevant stakeholder or could have.


Who am I, anyway?

I’m Jonah Purinton. As an accountant and software developer, I’ve spent the last decade helping some of Silicon Valley’s top CFOs and operations leads scale their accounting environments so they could stop fighting fires and focus on higher-level work instead. Since starting Reflex Accounting in 2016, I’ve helped many marketplaces, including hospitality-focused Urbandoor (acquired by Airbnb, August 2019) and esports disrupter Streamlabs (acquired by Logitech, September 2019) manage financial aspects of their product and internal back-office operations.

I noticed that CFOs were so busy, few had time to implement or oversee the (often slow and arduous) fundamental accounting processes. Even fewer had found time to consider how to adapt those fundamentals to fit the complex challenges presented by online marketplaces. The catastrophic consequences of transactional backlogs or oversights, two of the most significant threats to an online marketplace, were going unnoticed until it was too late. The inherent inefficiency and needless damage this was doing to businesses kept me up at night. Now I’m on a mission to elevate the humanity of the accounting profession, helping finance professionals make a difference by replacing busywork with real work. ✅


This Is Your Last Chance

You’re running out of web page! Don’t waste another 3 weeks a month! Apply now!


FYI - I can only do three FastClose Implementation Projects per year and my calendar fills up quickly. Apply now and soon you’ll never have to worry about your operational problem again.